
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong's recent research was highlighted in media (March 2025)
Our work entitled "CeO2-filter-based monolithic bilayer gas sensors for selective, sensitive, and fast methanol detection" (published in Chemical Egineering Journal., 2025) was introduced in VERITASª and other news media.
우리 연구실의 Chemical Engineering Journal 에 게재된 논문 (고감도 고선택성의 Methanol 가스센서를 설계하는 방법)이 언론을 통해서 보도 되었습니다.

Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Chemical Engineering Journal (Mar. 1. 2025)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "CeO2-filter-based monolithic bilayer gas sensors for selective, sensitive, and fast methanol detection" was published in Chemical Egineering Journal.
정성용 교수님께서 고감도/고선택성/고속성의 Methanol 가스센서를 설계하는 방법으로 Chemical Engineering Journal 에 논문을 게재했습니다.
(논문명: CeO2-filter-based monolithic bilayer gas sensors for selective, sensitive, and fast methanol detection, IF: 13.3, JCR ranking: 상위 3.7%)

Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Rare Metals (Feb. 25. 2025)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Hierarchical nitrogen-doped multichannel carbon nanofibers for efficient potassium–selenium batteries" was published in Rare Metals.
정성용 교수님께서 나노섬유를 활용한 포타슘-셀레늄 배터리를 설계하는 방법으로 Rare Metals 에 논문을 게재했습니다.
(논문명: Hierarchical nitrogen-doped multichannel carbon nanofibers for efficient potassium–selenium batteries, IF: 9.6, JCR ranking: 상위 3.3%)

Seminar at KAIST
(Feb 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at KAIST (Feb 10, 2025).
정성용 교수님이 KAIST 신소재공학과 김일두 교수님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: 다차원 산화물 나노구조 및 다층 감응막 센서구조를 이용한 신기능 산화물 반도체형 가스센서 설계
장소: KAIST 신소재공학과 ADVNANO

Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Applied Surface Science (Dec. 13. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's first authored paper entitled "Synthesis of yolk-shell structured microspheres consisting of heterogeneous nickel cobalt selenide@nickel cobalt selenite core–shell nanospheres and their application of anode materials for sodium-ion batteries" was published in Applied Surface Science.
정성용 교수님께서 NiCo selenide@NiCo selenite 난황구조를 활용한 소듐 이온 배터리를 설계하는 방법으로 Applied Surface Science 에 논문을 게재했습니다.
(논문명: Synthesis of yolk-shell structured microspheres consisting of heterogeneous nickel cobalt selenide@nickel cobalt selenite core–shell nanospheres and their application of anode materials for sodium-ion batteries, IF: 6.3, JCR ranking: 상위 13.0%)
Panel Discussion at the 2024 Cheonan Carbon Neutrality Center Symposium
(October 2024)
Prof. Jeong was a panelist at the 2024 Cheonan Carbon Neutrality Expert Symposium, where he discussed ‘2045 Carbon Neutrality’. (December 11, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 2024 천안시 탄소중립 전문가 심포지엄에서 '2045 탄소중립'을 위한 정책과 현안의 역할위해 패널 참여하여 토론을 하셨습니다.

Invited Talk at The Workshop on the Development of the World’s Highest-Performance Gas Sensors
(December 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave an invited talk at The Workshop on the Development of the World’s Highest-Performance Gas Sensors (December 03, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 독일 University of Tübingen에서 세계 최고 성능 가스센서 개발 워크숍에서 초청발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Ethylene Using Bilayer Semiconductor Gas Sensors with a Catalytic Overlayer
장소: University of Tübingen (독일)

Invited Talk at The 15th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors 2024 (ACCS)
(November 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave an invited talk at The 15th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors 2024 (ACCS) (November 17-20, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 2024년도 아시아 화학센서 학회에서 초청발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Innovative Detection of Ethylene Using Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with a Nanoscale Cr2O3 Catalytic Overlayer
장소: Kitakyushu International Conference Center (일본)

Invited Talk at [KIAT] Online Networking for Technology Cooperation between Companies-Young Researchers (November 2024)
Prof. Jeong gave a presentation at the [KIAT] Online Networking for Technology Cooperation between Companies-Young Researchers (November 14, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 [KIAT]기업-신진연구자 온라인 기술협력 네트워킹 발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: 고성능 산화물 반도체형 가스센서 설계
Opening Ceremony of the Cheonan Carbon Neutrality Support Center
(October 2024)
Prof. Jeong has been appointed as an advisor to the steering committee of the Cheonan Carbon Neutrality Support Center (October 22, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 '천안시 탄소중립 지원센터' 운영 위원회 자문위원으로 위촉되셨습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology (September. 31. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Acetone by ZnWO4-WO3 Hetero-composite Spheres" was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology.
한국센서학회지에 "ZnWO4-WO3 이종복합체를 이용한 고감도ㆍ고선택성 아세톤 검지" 논문이 게재되었습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology (September. 31. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Highly Sensitive and Fast-Responding Ethanol Sensor using Au Doped-In2O3 Hollow Spheres" was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology.
한국센서학회지에 "Au-In2O3 중공구조를 활용한 고감도ㆍ고속 에탄올 센서" 논문이 게재되었습니다.

The Best Paper Award
(September 2024)
Ui Jin Hwang received 'Best Paper Award' at The 2024 Fall Conference of the Korean Sensors Society. Congratulation! (Sep. 06, 2024).
황의진 학부연구생이 2024년도 한국센서학회 추계학술대회에서
우수 발표 논문상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
발표명: Selective detection on methyl benzenes using TiO2 and SnO2 hetero-overlayer coated Co3O4 sensors

Invited Talk at The Korean Sensors Society
(September 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave an invited talk at The 2024 Fall Conference of the Korean Sensors Society (Jong-Heun Lee Paper Award Winners Session) (September 04, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 2024년도 한국센서학회 추계학술대회(이종흔논문상 수상논문 발표 세션)에서 초청발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Rational design of bilayer gas sensors with Tb4O7 overlayer for humidity-independent gas sensing
장소: 여수 디오션리조트
Research funding from NRF of Korea
(September 2024)

Our group will be supported by a research grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Government of Korea (MSIT) (Sep. 01, 2024~Aug. 31, 2027).
본 연구실이 2024년도 개인기초연구(중견연구 창의연구형)에 선정
주관연구기관, 과학기술정보통신부, 2024.09.01~2027.08.31

Editorial Board Member of Discover Sensors
(August 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong will serve as an editorial board member of Discover Sensors (Springer Nature).
정성용 교수님이 Discover Sensors (Springer Nature)에 편집위원으로 활동하게 되었씁니다.

Seminar at Chungbuk National University
(July 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Chungbuk National University (July 23, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 충북대학교 신소재공학부 박기대 교수님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: 다차원 산화물 나노구조 및 다층 감응막 센서구조를 이용한 신기능 산화물 반도체형 가스센서 설계
장소: 충북대학교 신소재공학부

Technical seminar at KNU MPA
(June 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a technical seminar at KNU MPA (Mutual Prosperity Alliance) (June 26, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 2024년 KNU 산학 협의체(MPA)에서 가스센서 설계 관련 기술 발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: 산화물 반도체를 이용한 가스센서
장소: 공주대학교 천안공과대학 산학협력관

Invited Talk at The Korean Sensors Society
(April 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave an invited talk at The 2024 Spring Conference of the Korean Sensors Society (April 30, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 2024년도 한국센서학회 춘계학술대회에서 초청발표를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Bilayer Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with Nanoscale Functional Overlayer : Toward Highly Selective and Robust Gas Detection
장소: 대전 DCC

Installation of Gas-Sensor Measurement Setup
(April 2024)
Gas-sensor measurement setup has been installed at FNEL (April 5, 2024).
FNEL에 가스감지 연구를 위한 자동화 가스센서 측정장비가 설치되었습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Mar. 30. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's co-authored paper entitled "Microfluidic integration of μPID on μcolumn for ultracompact micro-gas chromatography" was published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical지에 "Microfluidic integration of μPID on μcolumn for ultracompact micro-gas chromatography" 논문이 게재되었습니다.

Seminar at Jeonbuk National University
(March 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Jeonbuk National University (March 5, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 전북대학교 유연인쇄전자전문대학원 나석인 교수님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: 다차원 산화물 나노구조 및 다층 감응막 센서구조를 이용한 신기능 산화물 반도체형 가스센서 설계
장소: 전북대학교 유연인쇄전자전문대학원

Technical advice at HYUNDAI NGV
(February 2024)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave technical advice at HYUNDAI NGV (February 6, 2024).
정성용 교수님이 현대 NGV에서 가스센서 기술자문을 진행했습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology (Jan. 31. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Recent Advances and Trends in Filters for Highly Selective Metal Oxide Gas Sensors" was published in Journal of Sensor Science and Technology.
한국센서학회지에 "산화물 반도체형 가스센서의 선택성 향상을 위한 필터 연구 동향 및 전략" 논문이 게재되었습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Science Advances (Jan. 3. 2024)
Seong-Yong Jeong's co-authored paper entitled "Zinc-copper dual-ion electrolytes to suppress dendritic growth and increase anode utilization in zinc ion capacitors" was published in Science Advances.
Science Advances지에 "Zinc-copper dual-ion electrolytes to suppress dendritic growth and increase anode utilization in zinc ion capacitors" 논문이 게재되었습니다.

Installation of Gas-Sensor Measurement Setup
(January 2024)
Gas-sensor measurement setup has been installed at FNEL (January 4, 2024).
FNEL에 가스감지 연구를 위한 자동화 가스센서 측정장비가 설치되었습니다.

Seminar at Chung-Ang University
(December 2023)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Chung-Ang University (December 28, 2023).
정성용 교수님이 중앙대학교 첨단소재공학과 박승근 교수님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Morphological, Compositional, and Heterostructural Design of Oxide Semiconductor Chemiresistors: New Challenges and New Opportunities
장소: 중앙대학교 첨단소재공학과

Seminar at KIST
(December 2023)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) (December 19, 2023).
정성용 교수님이 한국과학기술연구원 이지원 박사님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Developing High-Performance Ceramic Gas Sensors with High Selectivity, Sensitivity, and Humidity-Endurance
장소: KIST 본원

Seminar at Jeonbuk National University
(December 2023)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Jeonbuk National University (December 4, 2023).
정성용 교수님이 전북대학교 신소재공학부에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Developing High-Performance Oxide Gas Sensors with High Selectivity, Sensitivity, and Humidity-Endurance
장소: 전북대학교 신소재공학부 전자재료공학전공

Seminar at Korea University
(October 2023)
Prof. Seong-Yong Jeong gave a seminar at Korea University (October 16, 2023).
정성용 교수님이 고려대학교 신소재공학과 강윤찬 교수님 연구실에서 초청세미나를 진행했습니다.
발표명: Developing High-Performance Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors with High Selectivity, Sensitivity, and Humidity-Endurance
장소: 고려대학교 신소재공학과

Seong-Yong Jeong Research Group Opened!
(September 2023)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong was appointed as an assistant professor at the Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University (September 1, 2023).
정성용 박사님이 국립공주대학교 신소재공학부 나노재료공학전공에 2023. 09. 01 부로 조교수로 임용되었습니다.
정성용 박사의 연구실이 국립공주대학교에서 새롭게 시작합니다!

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's Farewell Party (August 2023)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's farewell party was held.
Thank you to all of my colleagues at Fan Lab, University of Michigan.
미시간대학교에서 6개월 동안의 박사후연구원 경력을 마무리 합니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong Starts New Position
at U of Michigan! (March 2023)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong was appointed as a post-doc at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, U of Michigan (March 1, 2023).
정성용 박사님이 2023. 03. 01 부로 Michigan 대학교의 Xudong Fan 교수님 연구실 박사후연구원으로 합류하게 되었습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's recent research was highlighted in media (January 2023)
Our work entitled "Exclusive detection of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons using bilayer oxide chemiresistors with catalytic overlayers" (published in Nature Communications, 2023) was introduced in UNN and other news media.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Nature Communications (Jan. 25. 2023)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Exclusive detection of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons using bilayer oxide chemiresistors with catalytic overlayers" was published in Nature Communications.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's recent research was highlighted in media (January 2023)
Our work entitled "Hierarchically porous PdO-functionalized SnO2 nanoarchitectures for exclusively selective, sensitive, and fast detection of exhaled hydrogen" (published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023) was introduced in YonhapNews and other news media.

Inside Back Cover Recognition in Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Jan. 17. 2023)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Hierarchically porous PdO-functionalized SnO2 nanoarchitectures for exclusively selective, sensitive, and fast detection of exhaled hydrogen" in Journal of Materials Chemistry A was featured as Inside back cover.

Outside Back Cover Recognition in Chemical Communications (Apr. 6. 2022)
Seong-Yong Jeong's corresponding authored paper entitled "Designing oxide chemiresistors for detecting volatile aromatic compounds: recent progresses and future perspectives" in Chemical Communications was featured as Outside back cover.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong Starts New Position
at UC San Diego! (March 2022)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong was appointed as a post-doc at the Department of Nanoengineering, UC San Diego (March 1, 2022).
정성용 박사님이 2022. 03. 01 부로 UC San Diego의 Joseph Wang 교수님 연구실에 박사후연구원으로 합류하게 되었습니다.

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's Farewell Party (February 2022)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong's farewell party was held.
Thank you to all of my colleagues at FNML members, Korea University.
고려대학교에서 이종흔 교수님 연구실에서 7년 동안의 학위과정 및 박사후연구원 경력을 마무리 합니다.

Back Cover Recognition in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Feb. 17. 2022)
Seong-Yong Jeong's co-authored paper entitled "Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Breath Isoprene by Tailored Gas Reforming: A Synergistic Combination of Macroporous WO3 Spheres and Au Catalysts" in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces was featured as Back cover.

Yangsong Researcher Award
(Jun. 18, 2021)
Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Yangsong Researcher Award' at the 2021 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society. Congratulation! (Jun. 18, 2021).
정성용 박사님이 2021년도 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회에서
양송 연구원상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
발표명: Rational design of humidity independent gas sensors: Oxide chemiresistors with Tb4O7 overlayer
Research funding from NRF of Korea
(Mar. 2021)

Dr. Seong-Yong Jeong took a research grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Government of Korea (MSIT) (Mar. 01, 2021~Feb. 28, 2026).
정성용 박사님이 2021년도 개인기초연구(세종과학펠로우십)에 선정
과제책임자, 과학기술정보통신부, 2021.03.01~2026.02.28

Ku Achievement Award
(Feb. 25, 2021)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'KU Achievement Award' at Korea University (Feb. 25, 2021).
2022년도 고려대학교 KU Achievement Award를 수상하셨습니다.
대학원 재학생 11,000명중 31명 수여

Best Paper Award
(Feb. 24, 2021)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Best Paper Award' at Korea University. Congratulation! (Feb. 24, 2021).
고려대학교 BK21 우수성과상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
피인용 50회 이상 중 최우수

Seong-Yong Jeong's paper was published in Advanced Materials (Dec. 22. 2020)
Seong-Yong Jeong's first authored paper entitled "Rational Design of Semiconductor-Based Chemiresistors and their Libraries for Next-Generation Artificial Olfaction" was published in Advanced Materials.

Seong-Yong Jeong's recent research was highlighted in media (Nov. 16. 2020)
Our work entitled "A General Solution to Mitigate Water Poisoning of Oxide Chemiresistors: Bilayer Sensors with Tb4O7 Overlayer" (published in Advanced Functional Materials, 2020) was introduced in MT NEWS and other news media.

Front Cover Recognition in Advanced Functional Materials (Nov. 12. 2020)
Seong-Yong Jeong's first authored paper entitled "A General Solution to Mitigate Water Poisoning of Oxide Chemiresistors: Bilayer Sensors with Tb4O7 Overlayer" in Advanced Functional Materials as Front cover.

Best Paper Award
(Aug. 25, 2020)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Best Paper Award' at Korea University. Congratulation! (Aug. 25, 2020).
고려대학교 대학원 우수논문상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
상금 250만원

Seong-Yong Jeong's recent research was highlighted in media (Feb. 27. 2020)
Our work entitled "A New Strategy for Detecting Plant Hormone Ethylene Using Oxide Semiconductor Chemiresistors: Exceptional Gas Selectivity and Response Tailored by Nanoscale Cr2O3 Catalytic Overlayer" (published in Advanced Science, 2020) was introduced in SAMSUNG Newsroom and other news media.

Front Cover Recognition in Advanced Science (Feb. 24. 2020)
Seong-Yong Jeong's first authored paper entitled "A New Strategy for Detecting Plant Hormone Ethylene Using Oxide Semiconductor Chemiresistors: Exceptional Gas Selectivity and Response Tailored by Nanoscale Cr2O3 Catalytic Overlayer" in Advanced Science as Front cover.

Best Paper Presentation Award
(Nov. 11, 2018)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Best Paper Presentation Award' at The 2018 Conference of the Korean Sensors Society. Congratulation! (Nov. 11, 2018).
2018년도 한국센서학회 종합학술대회에서
우수 발표 논문상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!

Best Paper Award
(Jan. 1, 2018)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Best Paper Award' at Korea University. Congratulation! (Jan. 1, 2018).
고려대학교 BK21 우수성과상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
주저자 Impact factor 최상위 논문

Paper Presentation Award
(May 19, 2017)
Seong-Yong Jeong received 'Best Paper Award' at the 2017 Spring Conference of the Materials Research Society of Korea. Congratulation! (May 19, 2017).
2017년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회에서
우수 발표 논문상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!

Front Cover Recognition in Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Jan. 28. 2017)
Seong-Yong Jeong's first authored paper entitled "Ultra-selective detection of sub-ppm-level benzene using Pd–SnO2 yolk–shell micro-reactors with a catalytic Co3O4 overlayer for monitoring air quality" in Journal of Materials Chemistry A was featured as Front cover.

Inside Cover Recognition in Chemistry – A European Journal (Apr. 29. 2016)
Seong-Yong Jeong's co-authored paper entitled "Monolayer Co3O4 Inverse Opals as Multifunctional Sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds" in Chemistry – A European Journal was featured as Inside cover.